My dinner with Neil Young
Belle says:
hey boz
Belle says:
how do i fix my thing so my thing shows
boz says:
hey your ownself
boz says:
what thing are we talking about this time?
Belle says:
the blog thing
Belle says:
my title thing doesn't show up because of the blogger thing
boz says:
you are making little or no sense
Belle says:
boz says:
oh god no, neil young is singing Imagine!!!!
Belle says:
so yeah, you're still high?
Belle says:
i really need help
boz says:
no really, he is really singing it
Belle says:
in your room?
Belle says:
is he naked?
boz says:
explain your problem in engrish
Belle says:
look at my blog
boz says:
he's not, but he has that look in his eye that he will be soon
Belle says:
i had a title thing where the search blogger is
Belle says:
how do i make that not happen
boz says:
you can't
Belle says:
Belle says:
what can i do
boz says:
why do you want to get rid of it?
Belle says:
i just want my title thing to show
Belle says:
it's an image
boz says:
oh, something at the top of the page that is being covered up by the blogger search bar?
Belle says:
yesss, that's what i said exactly
boz says:
that's easy, just put some line breaks before the image
boz says:
boz says:
surrounded by <>
boz says:
Belle says:
hmmm i tried that
boz says:
that's a line break
Belle says:
i'll try it again
boz says:
Belle says:
oh great
boz says:
Belle says:
now it worked,i was doing it at the wrong place
boz says:
it helps if you do it right
Belle says:
my template it all effed up
Belle says:
it's all to one side!!!
Belle says:
there's a big white space
boz says:
it looks normal to me, except for the image being covered up
Belle says:
it's all blue?
Belle says:
half the page isn't white?
boz says:
doesn't look like that to me
Belle says:
Belle says:
well you're all that matters
boz says:
but I don't see the image that is covered up
Belle says:
boz says:
why don't you just use a blogger template
Belle says:
how about now
Belle says:
well i like mine
Belle says:
but maybe i should switch it up
boz says:
it's perfect now
boz says:
I can see the title now
Belle says:
i'm sending you a pic of what i see
boz says:
Belle says:
because i want someone to pretend they care
boz says:
I can pretend real good
Belle says:
that's what neil said
Belle says:
maybe it's too big
Belle says:
THAT's what neil said
Belle says:
Belle says:
boz says:
and I said that's what lube is for
Belle says:
did you get it?
boz says:
yeah, it
boz says:
it is big
Belle says:
Belle says:
but did you see
boz says:
yeah, I see
Belle says:
it doesn't look like that to you
boz says:
no, it looks like it always did to me
Belle says:
boz says:
did you rebuild the page?
Belle says:
Belle says:
i didn't touch anything
boz says:
maybe you need to rebuile
Belle says:
now half of everything i see is white though
Belle says:
Belle says:
half of my cats are white
boz says:
Belle says:
boz says:
tatum o neal
Belle says:
Belle says:
down some drugs
Belle says:
forget it, i don't care if half of everything is white, i'm going to start a drug addiction
Belle says:
my birthday is over
Belle says:
wher eis my song
boz says:
yesterday was your birthday?
boz says:
Belle says:
well today
Belle says:
or yesterday, depending on how you look at it
Belle says:
the 3rd
boz says:
wow, if I would have known that I would have postponed my shot and went out and got drunk
Belle says:
boz says:
install a new template
Belle says:
but the fluffy clouds
boz says:
the only thing you'll have to redo is your lings
boz says:
Belle says:
Belle says:
Belle says:
Belle says:
Belle says:
it's so
Belle says:
Belle says:
all the templates are so harsh
boz says:
no they aren't they have tons of new ones that you haven't even seen
Belle says:
i have
Belle says:
i create a new blog like every day
Belle says:
actually i just created a sex one for my friend in alaska
Belle says:
i have to link that
boz says:
Belle says:
they are all so non-fluffy cloudy
boz says:
it's not that friend of Jonnie's is it
Belle says:
ya ya
Belle says:
Belle says:
boz says:
no Donald Kilbuck
Belle says:
you should make a ya ya blog
boz says:
I have enough trouble with the blogs I have
boz says:
Belle says:
boz says:
this is nice
Belle says:
i don't like the color
Belle says:
it's masculine
boz says:
boz says:
you like pink, don't you?
Belle says:
Belle says:
i do
Belle says:
but that's really pink
Belle says:
does it come with a barbie
boz says:
Belle says:
boz says:
Belle says:
i think we need to be sedated
Belle says:
you think people are relaying your conversations
Belle says:
i think people are secretly recording me, video or audio
boz says:
I have a question for you, a serious question
Belle says:
serious???? oh man
boz says:
did you really send some guy a set of used sheets?
Belle says:
who said that??
boz says:
you did
boz says:
You told Jonnie that you did
Belle says:
jonnie told you?
boz says:
he told us, we were all together when he brought it up
Belle says:
oh i must have blocked it out
boz says:
you haven't denied it yet
Belle says:
why, do you know the guy hahahaha
boz says:
well no, but I saw an auction on Ebay
boz says:
and your name was mentioned
Belle says:
it was NOT
Belle says:
you're lying
boz says:
sure, shoot the messenger
Belle says:
ok show me
boz says:
what, you want a copy of the reciept I got when I bought them?
Belle says:
Belle says:
yeah exactly
boz says:
I haven't flustered you, have I?
Belle says:
i'm not admitting to anything, but hypothetically speaking if i was to send sheets to someone it wouldn't be a complete stranger who might sell them on eBay, so no
boz says:
a complete stranger as opposed to a stranger?
Belle says:
boz says:
you should let me make a new template for you!
Belle says:
sure, make it with fluffy clouds
boz says:
I can do that
Belle says:
and then when i don't use it you can never speak to me again
Belle says:
new templates are like money
Belle says:
you shouldn't mix them
boz says:
Belle says:
i don't know
boz says:
fine! I won't do it then
Belle says:
no, go for it
Belle says:
but what i'm saying is
Belle says:
what if i don't like it, for some insane reason
Belle says:
and i dont use it, you will hate me forever
boz says:
you'll love it
Belle says:
i will be banished to another internet
Belle says:
and my book deal will be null
boz says:
no, if you don't like it, I'll use it for the rwbs
Belle says:
boz says:
and zoot and mikey will quit
Belle says:
boz says:
I mean zann
Belle says:
everyone will!
Belle says:
Belle says:
Belle says:
boz says:
zoot quit because you weren't a good role model
Belle says:
no, not me, bhw
boz says:
oh yeah
Belle says:
no one has quit because of me yet
Belle says:
i don't think
boz says:
that you know of
Belle says:
Belle says:
goose might have
Belle says:
you know, i was thinking about this last night
boz says:
drew was practically crying when he quit
Belle says:
remember when we used to all go in the hot tub all the time
Belle says:
goose would always pm me and ask what i was wearing
Belle says:
boz says:
Belle says:
did he do that to everyone??
boz says:
actually, I think he got that idea when I PM'd him asking what he was wearing
Belle says:
Belle says:
i was always like, uhhh, socks
boz says:
he kind of freaked me out when he said he was in full KISS costume
Belle says:
Belle says:
that's so lame though, "what are you wearing"
Belle says:
like obviously they don't want the truth
boz says:
Belle says:
i wish i had a KISS costume
boz says:
you've got credit cards with no limits, go for it
Belle says:
let me ask goose where he got his
boz says:
I wish I had a tatum o'neal tuxedo
Belle says:
he was always on me to send him my picture too
boz says:
I remember that!
Belle says:
i finally caved, he really wouldn't let it go
boz says:
oh yeah, I'm sure
boz says:
you sent goose the sheets, didn't you
Belle says:
Belle says:
someone in NY
boz says:
someone in prison?
Belle says:
yeah hahaha
Belle says:
for trying to assassinate tatumo neal
boz says:
tatumo san?
Belle says:
i think i'll name my first born tatumo
Belle says:
or tatum
Belle says:
or tater
boz says:
or spud
Belle says:
i spent my walmart gift card today
boz says:
what did you get?
Belle says:
seasons 2 and 3 of 24, cd's, paper towels, and a hunting rifle
boz says:
but no sheryl crow cd
Belle says:
Belle says:
blank cd's
boz says:
what about season one?
Belle says:
i have already seen season one
boz says:
I watched the first two episodes of Deadwood tonight
Belle says:
how was it?
boz says:
it's one of those that I think you need to get used to
boz says:
they are still setting up the characters and plot lines
Belle says:
boz says:
and it's shot in sepia tones
Belle says:
Belle says:
Belle says:
i don't like sepia
Belle says:
it reminds me of my least favorite crayon
Belle says:
burnt sienna
boz says:
brad dourf is in it, you like brad dourf don't you?
Belle says:
i don't know who that is
boz says:
he was the voice of chucky
Belle says:
wanna PLAY?
Belle says:
Belle says:
love it!
boz says:
and he looks just like Chucky too
Belle says:
Belle says:
does he say things like
Belle says:
i'm your friend till the end
Belle says:
boz says:
oh, and Daryl and the other Daryl's brother is in it
Belle says:
Belle says:
maybe i will check it out, but i doubt it since i already watch too much tv
Belle says:
Alias is back on Wednesday!!!
boz says:
you know way too much about the Chucky movies
Belle says:
i loved the chucky movies
Belle says:
well the first one really
boz says:
that is the only one I saw
Belle says:
i hate that lady that was in all the others
boz says:
whatever happened to Lucy Deakins?
Belle says:
with the voice
Belle says:
who is lucy deakins?
boz says:
she was john candy's son's boyfriend in that movie where dan ackroyd played his annoying brother in law and they rented a cottage, and ate the big steak, and shot the bear in the ass
Belle says:
ghost busters?
Belle says:
brb phone
boz says:
and she was in the movie where fred savage played her little brother and dressed like an army guy, and the boy next door could fly
boz says:
boz says:
it's your father, and he wants the blowfish back, doesn't he?
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